Friday 16 November 2012

Phnom Penh

We decided that we would miss out Vietnam and had head back into Thailand and down into Malaysia overland. We trekked back to Phnom Penh and spent only a couple of days here.  It's quite a busy crazy city.  The traffic is insane.  It took about an hour to drive just 10k through the city.  Mopeds and cars are forced to mount the pavement at peak times so as a pedestrian and a tourist to boot this took some getting used to.  It was almost like being back in India.  Andy almost got run over about a million times.

There's lots of booze establishments around and Western Food outlets and all that jazz.  I took it upon myself to try a Cambodian KFC which of course I'm totally disgusted at myself for.  However it was goooooood.  Judge me if you will - I will understand.

The room we stayed in was like a shoe box though but comfy and right near the Royal Palace.  We didn't go in the Royal Palace though for some reason.  It was nice just to walk around and get a feel for things.  I ate my body weight in frozen yoghurt and fruit.  Is it still healthy when you eat that much of it...?

Freaking hot though.  Sweaty crotch o'clock.  Eew.

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