Tuesday 21 August 2012

Thailand - Bangkok!

After leaving Port Blair I wasn't too sure what to expect from Thailand.  It is one of those places that everyone goes to so we figured that there must be something good about it.  Arriving in Bangkok Airport was an experience I can't quite describe really.  It was like we gone back to the future again.  Everything was so new and shiny looking.  You have to understand that we had just come from Port Blair which had 2 flights in a day and looked like a shack in comparison. It was kind of a relieved feeling in a way as I needed a change from India. 

We boarded the beautiful Sky Train and made our way into central Bangkok.  Andy and I were both so mesmerised by the shinyness and spotlessness of the train - we must have looked quite strange plus we were quite wide eyed from sleep deprivation.The taxis were so pretty and colourful.  

Khao San Road

We decided to park ourselves in a hostel just 5 mins from Khao San Rd which is where a lot of tourists land themselves.  Our first walk to KhaoSan Rd was amazing.  Just the smells of the street food and the heat from the pans as you're squeezing by people on the pavement.  I wanted to eat everything!  Such a change as I had in general steered away from street food in India.  KhaoSan Rd was buzzing full of people and stalls and places to drink and eat.  So many backpacks roaming down the street.  It was nice to find that type of familiar buzz again I suppose. 

I am ashamed to say that the first thing we did was to have a burger.  I can only excuse myself by saying that I had been craving a burger for a while and it as summery and almost festival like in feel that all I could think was Burger!  Plus it's quite a novelty having that option. You can definitely spend all your money on booze and general crap on KhaoSan Rd, so I was quite glad we weren't directly on it.

Hostel Life...

We were in our first dorm room experience.  I was quite excited because I wanted to meet people and it's a good way to do that somtimes.  Age Age Age.  All I can say is that I felt my age.  I dont know.  We went out and met some people and had a great time on the first night in Bangkok.  When we got back we were healthily aware that other people might be asleep.  As it happens we were the first ones back - which didn't help our age complex. I was awoken later on by some pissed up girl who had tried to get on the top bunk and failed miserably.  She hit the floor pretty hard.  Anyway we managed to get back to sleep and I was woken up later that morning by the same girl making strange gaggy noises...  I thought to myself - 'no couldn't be...'  Anyway later on she announces to everyone that she was feeling sick and couldn't be asked to get up so was sick in a bag in her bed then showed it to everyone.  So gross!  The loos were just outside!  What's wrong with you woman! 

I decided that this was not the life for me,so we went off and ended up at Jenny's Guesthouse which was run by a Thai ladyboy called Jenny.  It was cheap and clean but the bathroom was sooooo small and didn't have a sink. Plus it was home to a mansize cockroach and a mosquito that liked to get you whilst you were trying to have some quiet time on the loo.  Yeay.   

We mostly just hung around our guesthouse area in the evenings. I discovered the apricot mojito which is delicious.  We ended up staying in Bangkok for a couple of weeks in the end.  Time just seemed to fly by. It was so much easier going than Delhi as a capital city.  Although you have the same type of hassles as a tourist it just felt so much easier to get into your stride.  It just felt so much warmer in terms of attitudes I suppose which made such a difference.

The Grand Palace

We made a trip to see the Grand Palace which was well worth it .  These are a few of the shots I took.

China Town!

I had hands down the best roast duck and chinese buns here.  Really great for food.  I even went back on my own to eat a half a roast duck to myself.  I haven't felt that sick in a while.  Well worth the trek.

The Ferry!
Andy fell in love with the skytrain but I had a soft spot for the ferry system.  So handy but probably quite boring to read about so I shall stop here.

On a final note.
This was a life size model of a Terminator.  I had to take the shot on the down low because mall cops were standing guard and you're not allowed to take photos of it.  In all honesty I would have bought this if I didn't have to lug it around the world and back.  It was so amazing I almost  cried.  

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