Thursday 23 August 2012

Solo Travels! Khon Kaen and Muaeng Loei

After so many weeks of travelling with someone it was time to venture out on my own just for a week or so. Andy stayed in the comfort of Bangkok and I went North East to see what that was about.

I left Bangkok first thing in the morning to start my trip to Khon Kaen which was a 6 hour bus journey away.  I managed to make my way on to the right VIP Bus which was a mission in its self.  Unfortunately my seat was the only one without a air-con vent above it which didn't bode well for the long journey ahead.  But it was a pretty pimped out vehicle.  The only thing was the music.  Just really bad Thai pop music blaring out of the speakers.  I put my headphones on but one of the ears has died meaning I had 6 hours of badness in one ear.

Khon Kaen is quite a new city in terms of age and there were seriously no other tourists there.  Lots of new looking hotels though but no one in them.  Maybe it was the time of year.  It was quite challenging in that no one spoke traveller English as they had done in Bangkok but I found that an apologetic smile forgave all manner of sins in terms of my lack of Thai.  I spent most of my time just walking around and trying to blend in.

It wasn't totally clear how to get a bus to Phitsanulok where I needed to be to get to Sukhothai to meet Andy so I ended up boarding a bus to Loei which is 4 hrs north and in the middle of the mountains.  I got off the bus and was immediately set upon by Tuk Tuk drivers.  As soon as I spoke though everyone just went blank as they didn't have a clue what I was saying.  I ended up on the side of the motorway walking in the direction of where I was hoping my hotel was.  Eventually after what felt like hours but was literally only 10minutes a Thai lady shouts out

'Hey you!  Where you come from.  Where your boyfriend? You travel alone!'

We had  sort of a broken English - very broken Thai conversation and she sat me down at this road side cafe and they fed me the spiciest chicken dish ever and a coke and sent me on my way.  As it turned out my instincts had been right and I was only about another 15 minute walk away from the town and the hotel - woot!

I made it there and was met by literally the nicest hotel staff I've ever met.  Every time I passed through the lobby they tried to give me their personal belongings.

'Miss Alice, Miss Alice you want take my bike!  I no use cause I have to work but you take - ride around city!'

I'd protest and say that I can't ride bicycles very well and they would then insist I take a scooter.  What!  Considering I've just said that I can't even ride a bike... I took to trying to sneak out but somehow they always caught me even if they had to run me down on the road.  It made me smile though.

 I think I mentioned before that the duck in China Town was so good I went back by myself for a feast.  This is the picture I took of my breakfast before I left Bangkok.  Half a  roast duck and 2 Chinese Buns and a cold Chrysanthemum tea.  Delicious and I didn't have to share.  So Good - but I did feel very ill for a couple of hrs afterwards.  

Miss Roulston you would have been proud of me!

Just a few night time shots of Khon Kaen.  There weren't really any tourist attractions of note.  Plus I get camera shy when I travel alone for some reason... 

 Muang Loei

It was a very relaxing stay and the surrounding scenery was awesome.

I managed to make it out to vineyards about an hour away though and sample some Northern Thai wine which was a good experience.  Wine is quite expensive in Thailand though so I didn't buy any.  Forgot to take the camera so you'll have to trust me when I say it beautiful.

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