Thursday 23 August 2012


I left Loei on a very rainy morning and headed to the bus station. I went to get on the bus and realised that the queue just stopped moving.  A few seconds later I managed to get on to discover the bus was rammed full of people.  I managed to find a space to stand at the back of the bus and realised that I was in for a long 4 hr bus journey.  The bus went on it's merry crowded way and I began the task of hanging on tightly as the mountainous route was so bendy.  After a couple of hours a lovely Thai lady squeezed herself up against the person next to her and gave me half her seat.  It was so uncomfortable but so much more comfy than standing.  I think I thanked her a million times!  Thank you again Thai lady!

I arrived in Phitsanulok which is about an hour away from Sukhothai and boarded a minibus to Sukhothai.  It was probably over priced but after the bus journey I had just had I didn't care too much - I just wanted to reach my final stop for the day.  I ended up getting off at completely the wrong stop.  In my defence I went to get off at the right stop and everyone on the coach told me not to.  As it turns out I should have stuck to my guns.  The silver lining though is that the place where I got off was way more convenient and situated practically across the road from the ruins which is what  I came to Sukhothai to see in the first place.

After much texting and a failed Skype session I finally met up again with Andy and was able to set about exploring Sukhothai.

There is no good reason I took a photo of this sign apart
apart from the fact there's a baby gecko on it!

We became obsessed with a night time food market which was just down the road from the guesthouse and the ruins.  They sold whole chickens and rice for about £2 something.  So we sat in our room 3 nights in row demolishing chickens.  7Eleven for booze and then to our usual lady for chicken. Good times indeed.
 Anyone for some tasty chicken feet...  Anyone...

The Ruins

Much to my despair we rented bikes and rode around Sukhothai Historical Park. The park is home to the ruins of Sukhothai, capital of the Sukhothai kingdom in the 13th and 14th centuries.There are 193 ruins on this site that cover 70 square kilometers of land, so there were a lot to see in short.

Andy and Alice in well.

Riding a bike for the first time in about 5/6 years.  Didn't fall off once.


The pimp-mobiles!

My bike had Hip Hop written on it.  Is it because I is black.  Is it ;)

I was quite sad to have to leave really but I would have gotten bored eventually because once you've done the ruins there isn't a lot else to stay for.

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