Tuesday 21 August 2012


I dont know what it was that made me choose this as a destination.  I suppose I had watched the Bridge over the River Kwai and so thought it would be interesting to actually go.  Our route through Thailand is very much being decided as we go. We stayed at a guesthouse on the Kwai river which was very picturesque.  It was basic in that you had to flush the loo with a bucket but other than that pretty great for the money.

So we sat on our terrace and watched the water and the boats floating on by thinking how relaxing. Oh wait - what's that noise in the distance...  It's the river party boat making it's way past really - really - really slowly.  This boat was packed with Asian tourists who were throwing shapes and generally having the time of their lives on this boat.  It was amazing to watch.  There were even people being sick off the back of the boat and then a really bad song they liked would come on and they'd forget their sickness and rush back to the dance floor.

Amazing to watch but torture to listen to. I've discovered that it isn't just England that is guilty of churning really bad pop music.  Thai people need to be called out on this too...

Our View when we opened the door.  The picture doesn't really do it justice.
We discovered a BBQ all you eat establishment about a half hour walk from our guesthouse.  It was packed with local Thai's because like me they appreciate seeing meat on Barbeque.  We were the only tourists there surprisingly.  It was so cheap and you pay no more than £2 each and can go up and fill your tray with as many different things to BBQ at your table as you like.
Just few shots from our BBQ all you can eat extravaganza.

Working off that BBQ on the way home.

I did however make it to the Bridge over the Kwai and I have to say that it was a little earie.  We had gone to the museum a couple of days before and so I suppose I had the info fresh in my mind and the images of the POW's whizzing around my brain but I did feel a chill.

This is just one of the main roads on that runs through the town.

The War Cemetary across the road from the museum.

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