Wednesday 13 June 2012


We arrived in Bangalore at around 6am today.  So tired as I just can't seem to get into the hang of sleeping on the night train.  Missing Hampi already.  It's so loud and cramped and beepy here.  It's a business hub so has quite a Western feel to it.

Dont judge me but- we headed to Nandos for lunch.  Yep - Nandos.  At least it wasn't MacDonalds and you know I'm a sucker for their peri peri chicken...  I was hoping to get some peri peri in Goa because of the Portuguese influences but that didn't happen so I'm getting my fix!  Plus it's just the distraction I need from the craziness.

I think I'll feel better tomorrow with some sleep.  Bangalore (which apparently means Baked Beans) might not seem so crazy and hectic.  Honestly though - the roads are so scary to cross!  I'll have to upload some videos so you see what I mean.  Only 1 full day left of being 28...

Bangalore cont.

Well my birthday week is now officially over.  Very strange being away and not seeing the usual people I would normally expect to see.  Missing everyone loads!  We had some nice food and went to Pub World which offers up some really lethal tasting cocktails. We went to The Only Place which is the only place that serves steak.  It was really nice to have some red meat.  I felt kind of bad being in India and eating steak, but   I'm hoping the gods will forgive me.

I have warmed to being Bangalore and kind of gotten over the fear you get when arrive in an Indian city.  It's been so nice to indulge in the luxuries of the hotel like a strong shower and the very extensive movie channel choices.  It's felt quite comforting.  The little things like a coffee machine at breakfast.  I didn't fully appreciate what a coffee snob I am until I came away.  I guess you get so used to having the good stuff on tap you don't appreciate it until you come away and are faced with a lot of crap.

It's been nice being with someone that kind of knows the city.  I feel we've bypassed a lot of the rubbish bits with Andy's knowledge.  We've had some really lovely food here.  The food has been thus far ok but up until now I would say perhaps controversially, that the best Indian cuisine had been back home in England which I find quite surprising.  Being in Bangalore though the standard of the dishes has been amazing.  Even the hotel restaurant has served us some pretty good food.

I'm looking forward to Kerala and sampling the food there which I hear good things about.  A man last night said that it wasn't the season for fishing as it's monsoon so I wonder what sea food there will be but the veg food is apparently pretty damn good.

As I write this we are sat in the hotel restaurant waiting to leave for the train station.  We are currently on the waiting list for seats as they weren't able to allocate when we bought them.  Andy is going insane at the uncertainty as we may have to get a bus instead if we don't get seats plus that would eat into our Kerala booking...  I'm trying to stay calm and not stress but I feel this might be difficult.  I'm learning how our methods of dealing with stress are sometimes quite different.  Good or bad I'm not sure...  I suppose it's all part and parcel of this travelling business.  It's quite funny really.

 Chicken 65!
 More chicken 65!
 My birthday drinks.
Andy and Alice having just deeted and settled onto the overnight bus to Kerala.

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